
发布人:毛剑 发布时间:2024-03-04 浏览次数:1544


教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师



邮箱:xiaokang.yin@upc.edu.cn      电话:0532-86983305       办公地点:工科E906-2


























[1] 机电信息检测与处理技术

[2] 智能科学基础

[3] 机械完整性检测(双语)

[4] 专业外语综合实践

[5] 油气装备完整性技术



[1] 国家自然科学基金(面上基金:52075549):玻纤复合材料修复结构电容-涡流双模式无损检测方法研究,58万,2021-2024,在研

[2] 国家自然科学基金(面上基金:51675536):绝缘/带绝缘包覆油气管道多电极电容分层直接成像无损检测技术研究,62万,2017-2020,结题

[3] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金:51205412):基于共面边缘场电容成像原理的无损检测技术研究,25万,2012-2015,结题;

[4] 中国博后基金面上一等(2013M540568: 基于旋转磁场的金属管缺陷检测方法与应用研究,8万,2013-2015,结题

[5] 中国博后基金特别资助(2014T70666: 带防腐保温层构件的边缘场电容成像无损检测技术研究,15万,2014-2015,结题



[1] 高适应性无线无源压电超声壁厚监测技术,中国石化安全工程研究院,2024.02-2025.12

[2] 防爆电气设备隔爆、防爆性能高效评价方法研究及危险区域分级识别工具开发,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司技术检测中心,2023.06-2023.12


[4] 非金属材料老化缺陷检测服务,中海油(天津)管道工程技术有限公司,2023.07-2023.12

[5] 基于涡流技术的碳纤维复合材料体积缺陷检测性能测试,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司技术检测中心,2023.05-2023.12

[6] 浅水静态柔性输送管风险评估技术研究项目聚合物材料缺陷检测,中海油能源发展装备技术有限公司,2023.04-2013.11

[7] 基于层析的玻璃钢老化成像检测样机开发合同,恩迪检测技术(青岛)有限公司,2022.08-2015.07

[8] 玻璃钢老化性能测试合同,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司技术检测中心,2021.12-2022.07

[9] 基于电容耦合效应的无损检测成像装置,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司技术检测中心,2021.06-2021.12

[10] 多功能一体化电容成像检测仪器研发,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司技术检测中心,2020.09-2020.11


[1] H. Zhang,   X. Yin, L. Ma, G. Ma, K. Shi, Z. Zhang and W. Li, Excitation characteristics   of circumferential SH guided waves in steel pipes generated by EMATs with   few-cycle PPM, Ultrasonics, pp. 107271, 2024. SCI

[2] T. Zhu, M. Mwelango, X. Yin, X.A. Yuan, W. Li and G.   Chen, A Novel Dual-Mode Sensor for the Detection of Interface Flaw in   Insulator-Conductor Composite Structures, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23(5), pp. 4568-4576, 2023. SCI

[3] H. Wang,   W. Li, X. Yin, J. Zhao, J. Zhao, J. Ding, X. Li, W. Wang, D. Hu and Q. Chen,   Uniform Alternating Current Field Monitoring Sensor Array for Imaging and   Quantitation of Cracks in Aluminum Alloy Structures, IEEE Sensors Journal,   2023. SCI

[4] X. Zhang,   J. Shi, X. Huang, F. Xiao, M. Yang, J. Huang, X. Yin, A.S. Usmani and G.   Chen, Towards deep probabilistic graph neural network for natural gas leak   detection and localization without labeled anomaly data, Expert Systems With   Applications, pp. 120542, 2023. SCI

[5] Z. Wang,   W. Li, X. Yin, X. Bian, J. Zhao, J. Zhao, Z. Zhang and W. Wang, Novel   semi-ring type alternating current field measurement probe for inspection of   coiled tubing, Measurement, vol. 223, pp. 113613, 2023. SCI

[6] J. Zhao,   W. Li, X. Yin, X. Li, J. Zhao and M. Fan, Novel phase reversal feature for   inspection of cracks using multi-frequency alternating current field   measurement technique, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 186,   pp. 109857, 2023. SCI

[7] J. Zhao,   W. Li, X. Yin, Q. Chen and J. Zhao, Lift-off Point of Intersection for   Eliminating Lift-off Noise in Alternating Current Field Measurement, IEEE   Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023. SCI

[8] M.   Mwelango, X. Yin, M. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Z. Han, R. Fan, X. Yuan and W. Li,   Investigations into the negative sensitivity phenomenon in the detection of   hidden defects using coplanar capacitive sensors, NDT & E International,   vol. 140, pp. 102962, 2023. SCI

[9] M.   Mwelango, T. Zhu, K. Wen, Z. Zhang, X. Yuan, W. Li and X. Yin, Coplanar   capacitive sensors and their applications in non-destructive evaluation: a   review, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, pp. 1-45, 2023. SCI

[10] J. Zhao,   W. Li, X. Yuan, X. Yin, X. Li, Q. Chen and J. Ding, An End-to-End   Physics-Informed Neural Network for Defect Identification and 3-D   Reconstruction Using Rotating Alternating Current Field Measurement., IEEE   Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19(7), pp. 8340-8350, 2023. SCI

[11] T. Zhu,   X. Yin, C. Deng, M. Mwelango, Z. Zhang, W. Li and G. Chen, A Dual Mode   Nondestructive Evaluation Sensor With Simultaneous Inductive and Capacitive   Outputs, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23(6), pp. 6214-6224, 2023. SCI

[12] J. Zhao,   W. Li, G. Chen, X. Yin, X. Li, J. Zhao and J. Liu, Visual inspection of   irregular cracks in steel structure by double gradient fusion algorithm using   alternating current field measurement technique, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.   22(9), pp. 8881-8890, 2022. SCI

[13] J. Shi,   W. Xie, X. Huang, F. Xiao, A.S. Usmani, F. Khan, X. Yin and G. Chen,   Real-time natural gas release forecasting by using physics-guided deep   learning probability model, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 368, pp.   133201, 2022. SCI

[14] W. Li, Z.   Wang, X. Yin, H. Yang and X. Shao, Differential Electromagnetic Acoustic   Probes for Quantitative Detection of Pipeline Cracks, IEEE Sensors Journal,   vol. 23(9), pp. 9820-9831, 2022. SCI

[15] J. Zhao,   W. Li, X. Yin, Q. Chen, J. Zhang and S. Yang, A Surface Crack Assessment   Method Unaffected by Lift-Off Based on ACFM, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.   22(22), pp. 21942-21951, 2022. SCI

[16] X. Yin,   J. Fu, W. Li, G. Chen and D.A. Hutchins, A capacitive-inductive dual modality   imaging system for non-destructive evaluation applications, Mechanical   Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 135, pp. 106403, 2020. SCI

[17] W. Li, G.   Chen, X. Yin, X. Li, J. Liu, J. Zhao and J. Zhao, Visual and intelligent   identification methods for defects in underwater structure using alternating   current field measurement technique, IEEE Transactions on Industrial   Informatics, vol. 18(6), pp. 3853-3862, 2021. SCI

[18] X. Yin,   Y. Gu, Z. Li, W. Li and G. Chen, Retrieving dimensions of surface features on   conductors covered by insulation using the maximum variation ratio (MVR) in   capacitive imaging, NDT & E International, vol. 117, pp. 102384, 2021.   SCI

[19] J. Zhao,   W. Li, X. Yin, G. Chen, X. Li, J. Ding and X. Liu, Detection system   development of drill pipe thread based on ACFM technique, IEEE Sensors   Journal, vol. 21(21), pp. 23926-23933, 2021. SCI

[20] S. Amato,   D. A. Hutchins, X. Yin, M. Ricci and S. Laureti, Capacitive imaging using   fused amplitude and phase information for improved defect detection, NDT   & E International, vol. 124, pp. 102547, 2021. SCI

[21] X. Li, W.   Li, X. Yin, X. Ma and J. Zhao, Camera-mirror binocular vision-based method   for evaluating the performance of industrial robots, IEEE Transactions on   Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-14, 2021. SCI

[22] X. Yin,   X. Zhang, Y. Li, T. Zhu, D. A. Hutchins, W. Li and G. Chen, A combined   inductive and capacitive non-destructive evaluation technique using a single   spiral coil sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21(16), pp. 18187-18196, 2021.   SCI

[23] X. Yuan,   W. Li, X. Yin, G. Chen, J. Zhao, W. Jiang and J. Ge, Identification of tiny   surface cracks in a rugged weld by signal gradient algorithm using the ACFM   technique, Sensors, vol. 20(2), pp. 380, 2020. SCI

[24] X. Li, W.   Li, X. Yuan, X. Yin and X. Ma, DoF-dependent and equal-partition based lens   distortion modeling and calibration method for close-range photogrammetry, Sensors,   vol. 20(20), pp. 5934, 2020. SCI

[25] X. Yin,   Z. Li, W. Li and G. Chen, Corrosion depth inversion method based on the   lift-off effect of the capacitive imaging (CI) technique, IEEE Access, vol.   8, pp. 22770-22779, 2020. SCI

[26] J. Zhao,   W. Li, J. Ge, X. Yin, Y. Zhu, Z. Wang, Y. Liu and J. Li, Coiled tubing wall   thickness evaluation system using pulsed alternating current field   measurement technique, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20(18), pp. 10495-10501,   2020. SCI

[27] C. Xu, W.   Zhang, C. Wu, J. Xie, X. Yin and G. Chen, An improved method of eddy current   pulsed thermography to detect subsurface defects in glass fiber reinforced   polymer composites, Composite Structures, vol. 242, pp. 112145, 2020. SCI

[28] W. Li, G. Chen, X. Yin, W. Jiang, J. Zhao and J. Ge,   Inspection of both inner and outer cracks in aluminum tubes using double   frequency circumferential current field testing method, Mechanical Systems and   Signal Processing, vol. 127, pp. 16-34, 2019. SCI

[29] X. Yin,   and W. Li, A Novel Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Technique Using Coplanar   Capacitive Imaging Probes, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 42(3), pp.   713-724, 2014. SCI

[30] X. Yin,   D. A. Hutchins, G. Chen, W. Li, and Z. Xu, Studies of the factors influencing   the imaging performance of the capacitive imaging technique, NDT & E   International, vol. 60, pp. 1-10, 2013. SCI

[31] X. Yin,   D. A. Hutchins, G. Chen, and W. Li, Preliminary studies on the design   principles of capacitive imaging probes for non-destructive evaluation,   International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 42, pp.   447-470, 2013. SCI

[32] X. Yin,   D. A. Hutchins, G. Chen, and W. Li, Investigations into the measurement   sensitivity distribution of coplanar capacitive imaging probes, NDT & E   International, vol. 58, pp. 1-9, SEP 2013. SCI

[33] X. Yin,   G. Chen, W. Li, and D. A. Hutchins, DESIGN AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PLANAR   CAPACITIVE IMAGING PROBE BASED ON THE MEASUREMENT SENSITIVITY DISTRIBUTION,   in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 32a and   32b, 2013, pp. 1586-1592.ISTP

[34] X. Yin,   D. A. Hutchins, G. Chen, and W. Li, Detecting surface features on conducting   specimens through an insulation layer using a capacitive imaging technique,   NDT & E International, vol. 52, pp. 157-166, NOV 2012. SCI

[35] X. Yin   and D. A. Hutchins, Non-destructive evaluation of composite materials using a   capacitive imaging technique, Composites Part B-Engineering, vol. 43, pp.   1282-1292, APR 2012. SCI

[36] X. Yin   and D. A. Hutchins, CAPACITIVE IMAGING TECHNIQUE FOR NDE, in Review of   Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vols 30a and 30b, 2011,   pp. 752-759.ISTP

[37] X. Yin,   D. A. Hutchins, G. G. Diamond, and P. Purnell, Non-destructive evaluation of   concrete using a capacitive imaging technique: Preliminary modelling and   experiments, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 40, pp. 1734-1743, DEC 2010   2010. SCI

[38] 殷晓康, 杨丽强, 王伟, 古卓永, 李伟, 外穿式集中绕组激励旋转电磁场涡流无损检测系统,   仪器仪表学报, vol. 42(10), pp. 239-250, 2021. EI

[39] 殷晓康, 李盈盈, 张晓瑞, 朱挺, 王明达, 李伟, 陈国明, 基于平面线圈电容电感效应的双模式检测技术,   机械工程学报, vol. 57(14), pp. 168-176, 2021. EI

[40] 殷晓康, 符嘉明, 谷悦, 李伟 and 陈国明, 电容-涡流双模式一体化探头检测性能影响因素研究,   仪器仪表学报, vol. 41(6), pp. 197-207, 2020. EI



[1] 殷晓康,赵明睿,朱挺,范国军,韩宗凯,范瑞祥,马鹏程,马龙辉,李伟,袁新安,李肖,一种基于多频测量网格的双模式检测多参数反演方法,授权日:2024-02-06,中国,ZL202311548764.X

[2] 殷晓康,李盈盈,张晓瑞,朱挺,袁新安,李伟,陈国明, 一种利用平面螺旋线圈电容效应的双模式检测系统,授权日:2024-01-26,中国,ZL202011426992.6

[3] 殷晓康,马龙辉,赵雨生,张宏远,石昆三,张紫衡, 一种钢制套筒环氧树脂固化监测方法,授权日:2023-12-19,中国,ZL202311259503.6

[4] 殷晓康,荣光强,朱挺,赵明睿,王涛,张兆瑞,石昆三,韩宗凯,陈国明,李伟,袁新安,李肖, 一种混合结构界面缺陷类型反演方法,授权日:2023-12-15,中国,ZL202311244421.4

[5] 殷晓康,马龙辉,石昆三,张宏远,范瑞祥,韩宗凯,赵明睿,胡洋,胡鹏飞,徐克雷, 一种无线能量和信号传输的电磁超声体波测厚装置,授权日:2023-09-05,中国,ZL202310845898.1

[6] 殷晓康,范瑞祥,赵明睿,韩宗凯,文凯杰,张兆瑞,马龙辉,李伟,陈国明,袁新安,李肖, 基于激励切换的非金属复合材料老化状态多深度检测装置,授权日:2023-06-27,中国,ZL202310415774.X

[7] 殷晓康,赵明睿,荣光强,范瑞祥,韩宗凯,马龙辉,张兆瑞,王涛,李伟,陈国明,袁新安,李肖, 一种抑制提离效应干扰的复合结构缺陷识别方法,授权日:2023-06-02,中国,ZL202310360884.0

[8] 殷晓康,张兆瑞,朱挺,邓承杰,文凯杰,荣光强,王涛,石昆三,李伟,陈国明,袁新安,李肖, 一种单端信号激励下的电感电容双端无损检测装置,授权日:2023-03-28,中国,ZL202211645378.8

[9] 殷晓康,王涛,古卓永,文凯杰,张兆瑞,荣光强,石昆三,袁新安,李肖,李伟,陈国明, 一种无线无源温湿度监测装置和方法,授权日:2023-01-24,中国,ZL202211223886.7

[10] 殷晓康,荣光强,朱挺,文凯杰,张兆瑞,王涛,石昆三,韩宗凯,李伟,陈国明,袁新安, 基于双层线圈的双频单锁相双模式检测装置及检测方法,授权日:2022-12-20,中国,ZL202211256333.1

[11] 殷晓康,张兆瑞,王涛,荣光强,石昆三,李伟,陈国明,袁新安,李肖, 一种评估玻璃纤维增强材料基体固化状态的装置和方法,授权日:2022-12-09,中国,ZL202211152502.7

[12] 殷晓康,文凯杰,邓承杰,张兆瑞,李伟,陈国明,袁新安, 基于叉指电容传感器的非金属材料老化检测装置与方法,授权日:2022-08-19,中国,ZL202210532805.5

[13] 殷晓康,古卓永,王涛,李伟,陈国明,袁新安,李肖, 一种旋转电磁场检测管道外壁的对中开合检测装置,授权日:2022-08-09,中国,ZL202210637778.8

[14] 殷晓康,谷悦,李振,李晨,王克凡,符嘉明,曹松,李伟,陈国明, 基于单对电极电容成像检测技术的非导电材料开口缺陷宽度方向尺寸量化方法,授权日:2021-08-31,中国,ZL201811477328.7

[15] 殷晓康,李晨,李振,李伟,陈国明,符嘉明,王克凡,曹松,谷悦, 一种基于多对电极电容成像检测技术判别非导体缺陷深度的方法,授权日:2021-07-06,中国,ZL201810310859.0

[16] 殷晓康,李晨,李伟,陈国明,李振,王克凡,符嘉明,曹松, 基于单对电极电容成像检测技术提离效应的缺陷判别方法,授权日:2021-07-02,中国,ZL201810102967.9

[17] 殷晓康,李盈盈,张晓瑞,朱挺,袁新安,李伟,陈国明, 一种利用平面螺旋线圈电容效应的双模式检测系统,授权日:2024-01-26,中国,ZL202011426992.6

[18] 殷晓康,陈国明,李伟,闫安,许志倩,基于电容耦合效应的无损检测成像装置,授权日:2016-01-13,中国,ZL201410219729.8

[19] 殷晓康,陈国明,李伟,袁新安,闫安, 一种基于旋转电磁场的管道检测装置,授权日:,中国,ZL201410660632.0



[1] 2023年,山东省泰山学者青年专家

[2] 2022年,第十三届青岛市青年科技奖

[3] 2023年,海洋工程科学技术奖,一等奖,排名第三

[4] 2021年,山东省科技进步奖,二等奖,排名第五

[5] 2021年,青岛市科技进步奖,一等奖,排名第二



[1] SCI期刊《Nondestructive Testing and   Evaluation》,学科编辑

[2] 山东省海洋装备检验检测技术标准创新基地专家委员会,副主任

[3] IEEE IM协会无损评估与工业检测技术委员会,委员

[4] IEEE SMC协会认知计算技术委员会,委员

[5] EI期刊《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》,青年编委


