
发布人:李欢 发布时间:2024-03-05 浏览次数:74





邮箱:syjgl@upc.edu.cn       电话:86983304/86983300       办公地点:工科E911-2













[1] 智能制造工艺与装备

[2] 基于机器视觉机器人设计与控制

[3] 智能材料设计与工艺

[4] 增材制造工艺与装备

[5] 复杂装备设计与制造技术


[1] 石油机械工程 (代码:080200-01)

[2] 机械设计及理论(代码:080200-02)

[3] 机械制造及其自动化(代码:080200-05)

[4] 车辆工程(代码:080200-06)



[1] 必修课,机械设计基础

[2] 必修课,汽车构造

[3] 必修课,汽车构造

[4] 必修课,新生研讨课

[5] 选修课,现代设计方法



[1] 船体外板焊接变形激光热力矫正机理与精度控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012.01-2015.12;

[2] 激光辐射下岩石温度分布规律及高效破岩方法研究,中石油创新基金项目,2017.10-2019.10;

[3] 轴类零件高频感应热修复工艺与装备研究,山东省科技发展计划项目,2012.01-2013.12;

[4] 基于激光热效应实现金属板材表面微观形貌可控制造研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2008/01 -2010/12;

[5] 抽油杆管耦合磨损失效机理与防偏磨优化软件研究,中石油创新基金项目,2008.10-2010.09;

[6] 激光热成形非期望变形机理与精度控制方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,2011.4-2013.3;

[7] 高频感应复合熔化沉积成形增材制造工艺研究,自主创新科研计划项目,2018.01-2020.12;

[8] 高频感应内嵌管熔化沉积成形复杂冷却流道形性协同工艺研究,山东省自然科学基金, 2021.01-2023.12;

[9] 深水防垢合金工具的制备及试验服务,中海油项目, 2021.01-2022.12;

[10] 分离器减振措施与激光热修复技术研究,国家管网项目, 2021.01-2022.12;

[11] 特殊工况抢喷机器人研究,中石化项目, 2021.01-2022.12.



[1] Wang Xiaogang, Shi Yongjun, Guo Yankuo, Wang Qin. Design of 3D surface laser forming process[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2022, 73(1):306-315;

[2] Wang Xiaogang, Shi Yongjun, Guo Yankuo,Wang Qin, Fan kaijun. Influence of laser scanning times on the mechanical properties of laminated composite plates[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 144(1):107442;

[3] Yongjun Shi, Yankuo Guo, Xiaogang Wang, Rui Sun, Xianfa Li. Laser bending angle and surface quality with preload at low heating temperature[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 136: 106755;

[4] Guo Yankuo , Shi Yongjun , Wang Xiaogang. A method to realize high-precision and large laser thermal bending angle[J].Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 62(4):168-178;

[5] Sun Rui, Shi Yongjun, Wang Xiaogang, et al. Understanding the thermal process during laser assisted ultra- high frequency induction deposition with wire feeding[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 153: 119536;

[6] Guo Yankuo,Shi Yongjun,Wang Xiaogang,Li Xianfa,Chen Tingting. Angle analysis model of pressure-assisted laser forming and high-precision method [J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 142;

[7] Xiaogang Wang,Yongjun Shi,Yankuo Guo,Rui Sun,Xiaoyu Zhou. Laser Curve Scanning Forming Process of Laminated Metal Composite Plate[J]. Materials & Design, 2020, 191:108614;

[8] Zhenfei Bing, Yongjun Shi , Rui Sun, Yankuo Guo. Study on microstructure and properties of 304/316L coating prepared by ultra-high frequency induction cladding with wire feeding[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020, 387: 125478;

[9] Sun Rui, Shi Yongjun, Wang Xiaogang, et al. Investigation of laser assisted ultra-high frequency induction deposition method: processes, fluid flow, and microstructure characteristic[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. 2020, 9(3): 2773-2792;

[10] Rui Sun, Yongjun Shi, Zhenfei Bing, Qi Li, Ruihai Wang. Metal transfer and thermal characteristics in drop-on-demand deposition using ultra-high frequency induction heating technology[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,149:731-744;

[11] Rui Sun, Yongjun Shi, Zhengfu Pei, Qi Li, Ruihai Wang. Heat transfer and temperature distribution during high-frequency induction cladding of 45 steel plate[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,139:1-10;

[12] Yongjun Shi, Chen Zhang, Guidong Sun, Chuanxiu Li.Study on reducing edge effects by using assistant force in laserforming [J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 227: 169-177;

[13] Liu Yancong, Li Chengkai, Xie Jianghao, Shi Yongjun, et al. Simulation on the high frequency induction cladding and experimental validation[J]. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2015, 12(2): 641-656;

[14Shi Yongjun, Lu Xianfa, Yi Peng and Liu Zhongyan.Effect of heating paths on strain distribution of plate in laser forming[J]. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2013, 66(1-4):515-521;

[15Shi Yongjun, Lu Xianfa, Liu Yancong and Yi Peng.Forming accuracy analysis of plate in multi-scanning laser bending process[J]. Proc. J. Pro.Mech Eng., 2013, 227(3): 225-228;

[16Shi Yongjun, Yi Peng and Hu Jun. Effects of process parameters on forming accuracy for the case of a laser formed metal plate. Lasers in Engineering[J].Lasers in Engineering, 2013, 26(5-6): 295-310;

[17] Shi Yongjun, Liu Yancong, Yi Peng et al.Effect of different heating methods on bending deformation of metal plate under upsetting mechanism in laser forming[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 44(2): 486-491;

[18] Shi Yongjun, Hu Jun and Dong Chengli. Analysis of geometric effect on forming accuracy in laser forming[J]. Proc IMechE Part B: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011, 225(10): 1792-1800;

[19] Yi Peng, Liu Yancong, Shi Yongjun et al. Effects analysis of ambient conditions on process of laser surface melting[J].Optics & Laser Technology, 2011, 43(8): 1411–1419;

[20] Yi Peng, Liu Yancong, Shi Yongjun, et al. Analysis and prediction of workpiece size effects in laser surface melting process[J]. Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4(4-5): 1312-1317;

[21] Shi Yongjun, Chen Jun, Qi Yaoguang, et al.Processing strategy for laser forming of complicated singly curved shapes[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2009, 25(7):925-930;

[22] Shi Yongjun, Liu Yancong, Yao Zhenqiang, et al. A study on bending direction of sheet metal in laser forming[J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 103(5), 053101;

[23Shi Yongjun, Yao Zhenqiang, Liu Feng,et al. Numerical investigation on laser-produced microstructure of metal under non-melting condition[J].Applied Surface Science,2008, 254(22): 7421-7427;

[24] Shi Yongjun, Shen Hong, Yao Zhenqiang, et al. An analytical model based on the similarity in temperature distributions in laser forming [J]. Optics & Lasers in Engineering, 2007, 45(1): 83~87;

[25Shi Yongjun, Shen Hong, Yao Zhenqiang, et al. Temperature gradient mechanism of laser forming for thin plates[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2007, 39 (4): 858-863;

[26] ZQ Yao, H Shen, YJ Shi, J Hu. Numerical study on laser forming of metal plates with pre-loads [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2007, 40(1): 27-32;

[27] H Shen, J Zhou, YJ Shi, ZQ Yao, J Hu. Varying velocity scan in laser forming of plates[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2007, 23(4): 483-486;

[28] Shi Yongjun, Yao Zhenqiang, Shen Hong,et al.Research on the mechanisms of laser forming for the metal plate[J]. International Journal of Machine tools & Manufacture, 2006, 46(12-13): 1689-169;

[29] Shi Yongjun, Shen Hong, Yao Zhenqiang,et al. Application of similarity theory in the laser forming process[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2006, 37(3): 323-327;

[30] Shi Yongjun, Shen Hong,Zhenqiang Yao. Numerical investigation of straight-line laser forming under the temperature gradient mechanism [J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2006, 19(2):144-150;

[31Shen Hong, Shi Yongjun and Yao Zhenqiang. Numerical simulation of the laser forming of plates using two simultaneous scans[J]. Computational Materials Science,2006, 37(3): 239-245;

[32] Shen Hong, Shi Yongjun, Yao Zhenqiang. Laser forming of plates using two sequent scans of different intervals[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2006, 220(4): 507-511;

[33] Shen Hong, Shi Yongjun, Yao Zhenqiang, et al. Fuzzy logic model for bending angle in laser forming[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2006, 22(8): 981-986;

[34] H Shen, YJ Shi, ZQ Yao, J Hu. An analytical model for estimating deformation in laser forming [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2006, 37(4): 593-598;

[35] H Shen, Z Yao, Y Shi, J Hu. An analytical formula for estimating the bending angle by laser forming [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2006, 220(2): 243-247;

[36] Shi Yongjun, Shen Hong, Yao Zhenqiang, et al. Edge effects of metal plate in laser forming[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(3): 260-263;

[37Shen Hong, Shi Yongjun, Yao Zhenqiang,et al. Analysis of varying velocity on the edge effects in laser bending [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(3): 255-259;

[38石永军,刘衍聪,胡俊.基于塑性应变场单曲率面板材激光热成形工艺规划研究[J].中国机械工程,2011, 22(12): 1493-1497;

[39石永军,刘衍聪,姚振强等.双曲率复杂型面激光热成形工艺规划研究[J].中国激光, 2010, 37(2):586-592.



[1] 石永军等. 金属构件表面微观形貌可控制造工艺实现方法;

[2] 石永军等.金属板材激光高精度热弯曲成形;

[3] 石永军等.一种具有动压润滑效应的自旋转扶正器.

[4] 石永军等.电动汽车驻车风能收集装置;

[5] 石永军等.一种500米水深硬质土海底管道铺设机械与水力喷射复合式旋转开沟器;

[6] 石永军等.一种小型拖拉机牵引播种机;

[7] 石永军等.汽车爆胎瞬间有暂时性锁止功能的转向装置;

[8] 石永军等. 一种基于超高频感应加热的金属沉积成形方法及装置;

[9] 石永军等. 一种微变形板材激光矫平方法。



[1] 山东省高等教育教学成果特等奖(第一获奖单位):多元协同建构新时期大学生机械工程与创新能力培养模式的研究与实践(排名:1/12),2018年;

[2] 山东省高等教育教学成果特等奖(第一获奖单位):“三三三”本科教育培养体系的构建与实践(排名:10/17),2018年;

[3] 山东省高等教育教学成果一等奖(第一获奖单位):面向油气装备行业重大需求,构建研究生创新人才培养体系(排名:6/10),2018年;

[4] 中国石油教育学会高等教育教学成果二等奖(第一获奖单位):依托机械基础系列课程,构建大学生工程与创新能力培养模式(排名:1/9),2017年;

[5] 中国石油教育学会高等教育教学成果特等奖(第一获奖单位):“三三三”本科教育培养体系的构建与实践(排名:10/17),2017年;

[6] 校级教学成果一等奖(第一获奖单位):车辆工程专业大学生工程设计能力培养体系研究与实践(排名:1/10),2017年;

[7] 校级教学成果一等奖(第一获奖单位):机械专业大学生创新能力培养体系研究与实践(排名:1/11),2015年;

[8] 山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖(第一获奖单位):激光修复成型再制造技术研究(排名:3/5),2015年;

[9] 2015年胜利石油育才奖

[10] 2020年,青岛高校教学名师

[11] 2020年,学校劳动模范。



[1] 担任社会职务:青岛市工程设计与图学学会第六届理事会常务理事、理事长,中国机械行业卓越工程师教育联盟理事,中国图学学会第七届数字化设计与制造专业委员会委员,山东高校机械工程教学协作组委员,山东省大学生机电产品创新设计竞赛组委会委员;

[2] 目前受邀担任担任Journal of Applied Physics”,“Optics and Lasers in Engineering”,“Pro., Part B, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science”,“Pro., Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science”等国际期刊审稿人。

