
发布人:霍添 发布时间:2024-03-05 浏览次数:1302


教授   硕士生导师


邮箱:wulei@upc.edu.cn             办公地点:工科B227


















[1] 海洋油气装备设计与制造

[2] 海洋平台智能化设计

[3] 光纤传感器与海洋结构物检测








[1] 国家重点研发课题,深水海底连续管钻井系统集成设计与总体方案研究,2021YFB3401401196万,负责人;

[2] 山东省重大科技创新工程项目,深水柔性立管群智能监测装备研发与应用,2022CXGC0204051272万,负责人;

[3] 国家工信部高技术船舶科研项目,海上天然气大流量处理工艺关键技术研究-合作研究任务,CJ09N20205万,负责人;

[4] 山东省泰山学者青年专家研究资助,100万,负责人;

[5] 国家工信部高技术船舶科研项目合作研究任务(调研类),深海油气开发装备综合试验基础条件核心关键技术体系研究,CY06M205万,负责人;

[6] 国家工信部高技术船舶科研项目,超深水打桩锤系统研制-超深水打桩锤系统优化设计及仿真分析,CH02N20480万,参与;

[7] Asset   Integrity and Risk Management Research & Development Programme   “Customized Fibre Optic Sensing for Health Monitoring of FPSO”,新加坡海事局,53万新加坡元(约265万人民币),参与;

[8] 国家工信部高技术船舶科研项目深海半潜式生产平台总体设计关键技术研究子课题平台上部采油、生产作业流程设计研究300万,参与;

[9] 国家863计划重大课题深水钻机系统设计研究子课题深水钻机与钻柱自动化处理关键技术研究224万,参与;

[10] 国家工信部高技术船舶科研项目自升式钻井平台品牌工程(型)子课题平台结构优化设计与作业适应性分析研究370万,参与;

[11] 国家工信部项目水下工程安全作业仿真测试装备研制及关键技术研究子课题水下系统生产运营仿真测试装备研制280万,参与。



共计发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Knowledge-Based SystemsExpert Systems   with ApplicationsOcean EngineeringMarine StructuresSCI期刊发表论文24篇(中科院一区14篇,二区5篇),EI论文1篇,国际会议论文3篇。

[1]  Wu Lei*, Chen Erqi, Guo Qiang, Xu Dengpan, Xiao   Wensheng, Guo Jingjing, Zhang Mowen, Smooth Exploration System: a novel   ease-of-use and specialized module for improving exploration of whale   optimization algorithm [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2023, 272, 110580. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[2]  Wu Lei*, Huang Xiaodong, Cui Junguo, Liu Chao, Xiao   Wensheng, Modified Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Its   Application for Solving Path Planning of Mobile Robot [J]. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023,   215, 119410. (影响因子:8.5JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[3]  Cui Junguo, Wu Lei*, Huang Xiaodong, Xu Dengpan, Liu Chao, Xiao Wensheng,   Multi-strategy adaptable ant colony optimization algorithm and itsapplication   in robot path planning [J]. Knowledge-Based   Systems. 2024, 288, 111459. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[4]  Liu Chao, Wu   Lei*, Li Guangxin, Zhang Hao, Xiao   Wensheng*, Xu Dengpan, Guo Jingjing, Li Wentao, Improved multi-search   strategy A* algorithm to solve three-dimensional pipe routing design [J]. Expert Systems with Applications. 2024,   240, 122313. (影响因子:8.5JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[5]  Mei Jiangtao, Wu Lei*, Chen Erqi, Xiao Wensheng, Zhong Liang, Guo Jingjing, Li   Wentao. A novel structural damage detection method using a hybrid IDE-BP   model [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems.   2023, 273, 110606. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[6] Liu Chao, Wu   Lei*, Xiao Wensheng, Li Guangxin, Xu Dengpan, Guo Jingjing, Li Wentao, An   improved heuristic mechanism ant colony optimization algorithm for solving   path planning [J]. Knowledge-Based   Systems. 2023, 271, 110540. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[7]   Wu Lei*, Mei Jiangtao, Zhao Shuo, Pipeline damage identification   based on an optimized back-propagation neural network improved by whale optimization   algorithm [J]. Applied Intelligence.   2023, 53(10):12937-12954. (影响因子:5.3JCR分区Q2,中科院大类二区)

[8] Liu Chao, Wu   Lei, Huang Xiaodong, Xiao Wensheng, Improved   dynamic adaptive ant colony optimization algorithm to solve pipe routing   design [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems.   2022, 237, 107846. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[9]   Wu Lei*, Lu Shunzhi, Zhang Heen, Shu Qiming, Xiao   Wensheng, An FBG-based high-sensitivity structure and its application in   non-intrusive detection of pipeline [J]. Measurement.   2022, 199, 111498. (影响因子:5.6JCR分区Q1,中科院大类二区TOP)

[10]    Shu Qiming, Wu Lei*, Lu Shunzhi, Xiao Wensheng, High-sensitivity structure   based on fiber Bragg grating sensor and its application in nonintrusive   detection of pipeline pressure change [J]. Measurement. 2022, 189, 110444. (影响因子:5.6JCR分区Q1,中科院大类二区TOP)

[11]  Wang Shun,   Yang Yaowen*, Wu Lei*, Mohanty   Lipi, Jin Rui-Bo., Zhang Liang, Lu Peixiang, In-situ adjustable fiber-optic   piezometer based on parallelly structured external Fabry-Perot   interferometers with Vernier effect and its harmonics [J]. Optics Express. 2021,   29(26):42800-42812. (影响因子:3.8JCR分区Q2,中科院大类二区TOP)

[12]  Wu Lei*, Li Xinming, Liu Chao, Xiao Wensheng, NHACR:   A novel heuristic approach for 2D rectangle packing area minimization problem   with central rectangle [J].Engineering Applications of Artificial   Intelligence.2021, 103,   104291. (影响因子:8.0JCR分区Q1,中科院小类一区TOP)

[13]  Wu Lei, Yang Yaowen*, Maheshwari Muneesh, Location   identification of line supports using experimental modal analysis [J]. Measurement. 2020, 149, 106996. (影响因子:5.6JCR分区Q1,中科院大类二区TOP)

[14]  Wu Lei, Yang Yaowen*, Maheshwari Muneesh, Strain   prediction for critical positions of FPSO under different loading of stored   oil using GAIFOA-BP neural network [J]. Marine   Structures. 2020, 72, 102762. (影响因子:3.9JCR分区Q1,中科院小类一区)

[15]  Wu Lei, Yang Yaowen*, Maheshwari Muneesh, Li Ning,   Parameter optimization for FPSO design using an improved FOA and IFOA-BP   neural network [J]. Ocean Engineering.   2019, 175:50-61. (影响因子:5.0JCR分区Q1,中科院小类一区)

[16]   Wu Lei, Tian Xue, Wang Hongyan, Liu Qi, Xiao   Wensheng, Improved ant colony optimization algorithm and its application to   solve pipe routing design [J]. Assembly Automation. 2019,39(1):45-57.

[17]  Xiao   Wensheng, Liu Qi, Zhang Linchuan, Li Kang, Wu Lei*, A novel chaotic bat algorithm based on catfish effect   for engineering optimization problems [J]. Engineering Computations. 2019, 36(5):1744-1763.

[18]    Wu Lei, Liu Qi, Tian Xue, Zhang Jixu, Xiao   Wensheng*, A new improved fruit fly optimization   algorithm IAFOA and its application to solve engineering optimization   problems [J]. Knowledge-Based   Systems, 2018, 144:153-173. (影响因子:8.8JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[19]  Wu Lei, Liu Qi,   Wang Fengde, Xiao Wensheng*, Yang, Yaowen, Heuristic   algorithm for RPAMP with central rectangle and its application to solve   oil–gas treatment facility layout problem [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.2018,72:294-309. (影响因子:8.0JCR分区Q1,中科院小类一区TOP)

[20]    Wu Lei, Maheshwari Muneesh, Yang Yaowen*, Xiao   Wensheng, Selection and Characterization of Packaged FBG Sensors for Offshore   Applications [J]. Sensors.   2018, 18(11), 3963.

[21]  Wu Lei, Tian Xue, Zhang Jixu, Liu Qi, Xiao Wensheng*,   Yang Yaowen, An improved heuristic algorithm for 2D rectangle packing area   minimization problems with central rectangles [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2017,   66:1-16.影响因子:8.0JCR分区Q1,中科院小类一区TOP

[22]   Wu Lei, Zhang Liang, Xiao Wen-sheng*, Liu Qi, Mu Chao,   Yang Yaowen, A novel heuristic algorithm for two-dimensional rectangle   packing area minimization problem with central rectangle [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering.   2016, 102:208-218. (影响因子:7.9JCR分区Q1,中科院大类一区TOP)

[23]  Wu Lei, Xiao Wensheng, Zhang Liang, Liu Qi, Wang   Jingli, An improved fruit fly optimization algorithm based on selecting   evolutionary direction intelligently [J]. International   Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2016, 9(1):80-90.

[24]  Wu Lei, Xiao   Wensheng, Wang Jingli, Zhou Houqiang, Tian Xue, A new adaptive genetic   algorithm and its application in the layout problem [J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,   2015, 8(6):1044-1052.



[25]    Wu, L.,   Maheshwari, M., Yang, Y.W., Stress Prediction for Critical Position of FPSO   under Different Distributions of Stored Oil Using GA-BP Neural Network. The   5th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Engineering (ICMDE   2019), Osaka, Japan.

[26]    Wu, L.,   Yang, Y.W., Maheshwari, M., Interaction and combination method for estimation   of still water and wave-induced bending moments on FPSO. The 2017 World   Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM 2017),   Seoul, South Korea.

[27]  Wu, L., Lan, Z., Xiao, W.S., Tian, X., The content   research and realization process of product configuration database. 2014 2nd   International Conference on Software Engineering, Knowledge Engineering and   Information Engineering (SEKEIE 2014), Singapore, Singapore.



[1] 教材《海洋石油平台设计》,石油工业出版社,20238月,排名第6



[1] 中国发明专利,石油钻机设备布局优化方法及系统

[2] 中国发明专利,海洋石油钻机集成网络冗余监控系统



[1] 山东省泰山学者青年专家

[2] 青岛西海岸新区领军人才

[3] 山东省工信厅专家库聘任专家

[4] 山东省大学生机电产品创新设计竞赛优秀指导教师;

[5] 山东省大中专学生志愿者暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动优秀指导教师;

[6] 山东省优秀毕业生;

[7] 中国石油大学(华东)优秀毕业生;

[8] 青岛市大学生网球比赛男单冠军和团体冠军。


[1] 担任《石油机械》青年编委;

[2] SCI期刊Applied Sciences特刊编辑;

[3] Knowledge-Based Systems,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Computers & Industrial Engineering,Computers & Operations Research,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization》和《International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems》等SCI期刊的审稿人。

